Yay - my website is up!


And if I’d known it would be this easy I’d have done it ages ago… Anyways, I’m at it now, the site is nowhere near complete yet, but I’m getting there. I will be adding projects, photos and anything else that could be of interest shortly, so just bear with me while I’m finding my way in this new universe.

But why is a Norwegian architect publishing her stuff in English, you might ask (or, you might not ask that at all, but I’m trying to be prepared for anything here). Well, the stuff I find online that inspires me comes from all over the world, and luckily most of the people that are posting it write in English, meaning I can get what they’re trying to say. So I figured this should go both ways, just in case someone from the other side of the globe should find something they liked on my page.

I have this website primarily to showcase my work, so that people in need of an architect can know where to find me. The blog section wasn’t initially part of the plan, but then I figured it would be a great way to share stuff that inspires me, highlight the work of collaborators and colleagues that I’d like more people to see, and let whoever is interested into how the building sites are coming along, new sketches for upcoming projects, that kind of stuff. We’ll see how this develops, but that’s the basic idea.

So, welcome to my world!
